Neuroconsulting services by Peter Walla

The brain knows more than it can provide to language, and perception is only a subjective conscious construct!

- Thus, one needs to watch the brain at work to fully understand how humans think, decide and plan their behaviors -


:: Let's ask the brain about its likes and dislikes, not the biased person carrying it ::


Completing a questionnaire with brain data

The brain processes information to produce adapted behavior. It is largely speechless, which is why one needs to watch it at work. Also, perception is nothing more than a concscious construct of our psyche and, because the brain knows more than it admits to consciousness, getting access to that knowledge gives you a more complete picture of how humans work! Interesting, isn't it?

Biology :: Medicine :: Psychology

..... those three fields ensure a most complete and holistic view and understanding!

Biology teaches us about life in general. It covers animals (human and non-human), plants and mushrooms and its focus is on genetics, evolution, physiology and basically all connections that exist in nature!
Medicine teaches us about healing and curing. Through investigating abnormal functioning (diseases or lesions) we learn a lot about normal functioning!
Psychology teaches us about the mind and about the behavior it generates. It includes human and non-human animals!

What can you get?

Learning about basic brain functions and the non-conscious mind is very eye-opening. It can help you whatever your plans are. Even basic knowledge about the visual sense can be very useful.
An oral presentation on non-conscious brain processes at your company in front of your employees is very useful. At the moment, a life presentation is only possible in and around Vienna (Austria). Online presentations are possible anywhere.
Conducted Study
Measuring unbiased attitude! Testing unbiased affective impact of a series of products helps to decide which product shall go on the market. This is just to name one example.

You can ask for details via contacting neuroconsulting services here!

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